During Brussels Digital Construction, a formal declaration of collaboration was signed between the Netherlands (represented by Alexander Worp and Rob Roef), Belgium (Bart Ingelaere) and Luxembourg (Moreno Viola – unfortunately not present in person)  to collaborate in a renewed buildingSMART chapter BENELUX.

buildingSMART is the worldwide industry body driving the digital transformation of the built asset industry. buildingSMART is committed to delivering improvement by the creation and adoption of open, international standards and solutions for infrastructure and buildings. buildingSMART is the community for visionaries working to transform the design, construction, operation and maintenance of built assets. buildingSMART is an open, neutral and international not-for-profit organization. buildingSMART BENELUX is a member of the organisation and shares the goals and visions of the buildingSMART organisation.

The existing buildingSMART BENELUX shall adapt to a new “Federal” structure composed of three subchapters:

  • subchapter buildingSMART Luxembourg;
  • subchapter buildingSMART the Netherlands;
  • subchapter buildingSMART Belgium.

The new “Federal” structure will have a Federal governance board and 3 Regional boards, i.e. one board for each of the Subchapters.

The goal of the new structure is to stimulate buildingSMART actions, memberships and a certain degree of independency in the three countries, while maintaining an overall common Federal Organisation to allow for synergies and reinforce eventual common international strategies and positions/vote within buildingSMART International.

The Board of the Federal Structure will be composed of six members, with two members delegated by each subchapter. Each subchapter can choose to replace at any moment its delegated member or can send a replacement for a board meeting if its delegated member cannot attend a specific meeting. Decisions of the Board of the Federal Structure need to be taken unanimously to be valid.

Every two years, another chairman of the board of the Federal Structure will be appointed by another subchapter so that every successive six years, each subchapter will have had the chair in two successive years, starting with Belgium. The working language and its minutes will be English.

The three different subchapters will have total autonomy for its own country except for the engagements towards the Federal Structure of the chapter buildingSMART BENELUX (see the points above). Though the Board of the Federal Structure will try to organise and stimulate a maximum of collaborations and synergies between the subchapters.

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